Bibliographical Databases

Bulletin d’information et de liaison - International Association of Patristic Studies

The Bulletin d’information et de liaison, published by the Association, lists recent and forthcoming publications of members of the Association by topic and by ancient author. It also provides information about current research projects, dissertations in progress, and national or international initiatives. For past issues, consult the section "Publications."

BIBP - Bibliographic Information Base in Patristics

The Bibliographic Information Base in Patristics (BIBP) offers a bibliographic tool specialized in patristics. Its documentary field ranges from the 1st century (with the exception of biblical texts) to the mid 9th century. Exceptionally, for Oriental and Slavonic Christianity the limit is the mid 11th century (1054), and for Syrian, Armenian, Georgian, Coptic, Ethiopian, Persian and Arab Christian literatures the limit is the 14th century.

At present, the BIBP has given priority to the indexation of articles in journals. It intends to undertake the indexation of books, beginning with collective multi-author works and editions of patristic texts. The BIBP will only undertake a retrospective indexation of books after having completed indexation of current works.

More than 48,500 studies, derived from 1025 periodicals, can be searched at present. Each year about 2,500 entries are added in two updates (February and July). A search in French provides access to all studies, regardless of the language of the study. Searches in other languages provide access to studies in those languages. BIBP aims to allow for direct searches in all languages, beginning with English.

The BIBP also publishes online many of its specialized indices of data entered (patristic works; patristic manuscripts; patristic papyri; technical terms; archaeological reports; iconography; epigraphy). Although these indices are meant to support the work of the BIBP, they can be useful to researchers in the various patristic disciplines. A complete list of indices, with hyperlinks to the documents, can be found on the site of the BIBP.

The BIBP is a free service provided by Université Laval under the auspices of IAPS. It is the result of a collaborative effort of patristic scholars and the editors of the database. Individuals and groups wishing to collaborate in indexing publications for inclusion in the database are invited to contact the director of the project at

BIBLINDEX - Index of Biblical Quotations and Allusions in Early Christian Literature

BIBLINDEX already allows for searches in a corpus of about 400,000 biblical references in Greek and Latin Christian literature from the five first centuries. Access to data is completely free at following address:

At present, Biblindex consists only of a comprehensive inventory of biblical quotations and allusions, providing bibliographical information about the edition used for each work. This data is merely the first step of Biblindex. It derives from the volumes of Biblia Patristica, CNRS Editions, 1975-2000, and unpublished archives of the Centre for Patristics Analysis and Documentation regarding Athanasius of Alexandria, John Chrysostom, Jerome, Theodoret of Cyr and Procop of Gaza.

A new version of this site is currently being prepared. In 2013, access to 150,000 more references will be provided (including all works written by Cyril of Alexandria) and new ways of searching will be possible. A tool allowing matching between numbered references and Greek texts is currently being developed.

The project aims at the constitution of an exhaustive index of biblical references in Christian and eventually Jewish literature, drawing on both Western and Eastern sources from Late Antiquity and the early Middle Ages, and at giving access to the texts themselves.

Biblindex is a project led by the French Institut des Sources Chrétiennes with the support of two computer-science labs, the LIRIS (Lyon) and the LIG (Grenoble), and two biblical institutes, the Peshitta Institute of Leiden University and the Institut für neutestamentliche Textforschung in Münster. It is funded by the French National Research Agency.

Biblindex is a collaborative project. Please feel free to contribute to it, by typing data or providing some biblical analysis concerning a specific work. For further information, please write to

DONATISM - Online Dynamic Bibliography

DONATISM - Online Dynamic Bibliography is a collaborative group library of the Donatism, containing more than 5000 items relevant to specific aspects of the African schism occurred at Carthage between 312 and 411. It treats primary sources and secondary literature. The primary sources include Ancient Authors, Medieval Authors, Passions, Councils, Imperial Communications, Lost Works, instead the secondary literature includes Encyclopaedias, Prosopographies, Studies (articles and monographies), Translations, Bibliographies, Thesis and Book Reviews.  In this collaborative group library there are titles mostly in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish on topics such as Political History, Biblical Exegesis, Archaeological Studies, Church History and Theology.

RI-Opac - Literature Database for the Middle Ages

The RI-Opac is a freely accessible database, covering all disciplines of medieval sciences for the European language sphere. It is both an online bibliography of the literature quoted in RI publications and a freely accessible, comprehensive database for historical research.

SYRIAC CHRISTIANITY - Comprehensive Bibliography

The Comprehensive Bibliography on Syriac Christianity, supported by the Center for the Study of Christianity of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, includes more than 14,000 entries.