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II. Languages and christian literature
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A. Bibliography and historiography
B. General books
I. History of ancient Christianity
II. Languages and christian literature
III. Bible and the Fathers
Houghton, H. ,
The Latin New Testament
, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2016.
References in the Correspondence of Augustine. Chances and Boundaries of digital “Distant Reading” Processes
, In: Revue d’Etudes Augustiniennes et Patristiques 62.2 (2016), 223-3.
Zecher, J. ,
The Meaning of Κλύστας and the Value of a Μαχαίριον: Vita Dosithei (BHG 2117) and Healthcare in Gazan Monasteries
, In: Analecta Bollandiana 136 (2018), 43-55.
Zecher, J. ,
The Reception of Evagrian Psychology in the Ladder of Divine Ascent: John Cassian and Gregory Nazianzen as Sources and Conversation Partners
, In: Journal of Theological Studies 69 (2018), 674-713.
Grußformeln als Medium der Polemik in Augustins Briefen
, In: Journal of Ancient Christianity 22 (2018), 71-90.
Corrigan, S. ,
In Pentateuchum commentarii on the Red Sea crossing: content, composition, and coherence
, In: The Journal of Medieval Latin 29 (2019), 21-57.
Piscini, G. ,
Particularités de l’emploi de κατάκλησις et κατακαλέω chez Celse et Origène
, In: Koinonia 45 (2021), 359-77.
Piscini, G. ,
Sources, cibles et structure de deux réflexions de Porphyre sur l’athéisme ("Commentaire sur le Timée", fragment 28 Sodano ; "Lettre à Marcella" 21-23)
, In: Revue des études grecques 134 (2021), 143-75.
Alpi, F. ,
Observations sur les inscriptions baptismales du Proche-Orient proto-byzantin : terminologie, théologie et liturgie
, In: Syria 98 (2021), 195-214.
Aliau-Milhaud, A. ,
How to Build Exegesis with the Particle καί (kai) : Some Examples by Origen
, In: Studia Patristica (Papers Presented at the 18th International Conference on Patristic Studies held in Oxford 2019) 111 (2021), 49-54.
Beier, J. ,
Review on Dinger, Angelica: Basileia bei Origenes. Historisch-semantische Analysen im Matthäuskommentar (Beiträge zur historischen Theologie 194). Tübingen 2020.
, In: ThLZ 146 (2021), 933-5.
Piscini, G. ,
Osservazioni sull’espressione χύσις τῆς κακίας e sulle sue varianti in Origene
, In: Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum 26 (2022), 473-508.
Piscini, G. ,
Le καιρός dans le "Contre Celse" d’Origène
, In: La Bible, les Pères et l’histoire de la langue grecque. Hommage à Marguerite Harl (Revue des Études Tardo-antiques – Suppléments 10), Revue des Études Tardo-antiques (2022), 167-88.
Grelier-Deneux, H. ., Vinel, F. . (Eds.),
La Bible, les Pères de l’Église et l’histoire de la langue grecque : Hommage à Marguerite Harl (1919-2020)
(Supplément de la Revue d’études tardo-antiques, 10), , Paris, Association THAT, 2022.
Zecher, J. ,
Affective Lexica between Hellenistic Philosophy and Christian Theology
, In: Pain Narratives in Greco-Roman Writings: Studies in the Representation of Physical and Mental Suffering (Studies in Ancient Medicine 58), Leiden, Brill (2023), 273-98.
Zecher, J. ,
Evagrius of Pontus on Λύπη: Distress and Cognition between Philosophy, Medicine, and Monasticism
, In: The Intellectual World of Christian Late Antiquity: Reshaping Classical Traditions , Cambridge University Press (2023), 530-47.